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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Idea and Early Sketches

Assalamualaikum( Peace be upon you) and Hai,

Thank you for visiting webcomic KHAIR. Here is my very first rant about the project! 

First and foremost, I would like to apologize to readers if there are too many errors in my English or the poor choice of words make you lose your fun reading this a lil' bit.  Like other non-English speakers, I want to use the "it-is-not-my-mother-tongue-card" as my argument so that my heart will at ease. Let's pray that my English language will get better over time. Amen!

For you information, I already have published this story in my native tongue (Malay) but in a "BETA" version in my other blog. The comic is sketchy but I got a lot of praises for it's story. Some of critiques told me that I should publish it with local publication house or make it as zine for indie local scene. They even promised me they will buy it! From my part though, it is not that I don't want to publish it in main stream media but they want this comic to be one shot comic without continuity. I have different ideas in my mind. I want this comic to be a long story that have series. I cannot do that under them. I have to obey the terms. But, I can do that in independent scene. I just contacted one of my acquaintance this evening who is active in publishing indie comics and he welcomed me with an open arm to publish it. 

These images are from the other blog of mine. Sorry if you don't understand the language. 

At this point, I think most of you will think that these images look so sketchy. Don't worry people! I will refine and rearrange the drawing and make it look more interesting for you to read. Plus, it will be 50 pages full color! At first, I made this comic as an experiment due to survey the demand of my Facebook's followers. I want to see first if the story can get the engagement that I want and thank God it did. Unfortunately, after finished the second episode, I got swarm with all the design jobs offered as I need some money at that time. But, lucky for me when God shows me the way to make extra bucks through Patreon. I really hope if I get my target in my Patreon, I can quit my designing jobs and focus all my working hours into completion of this story! I promise you that! Nay, I oath that ( yeah, I stole Barney Stinson's quotes. how about that?! =P )

Here is an image of my own coloring style. Yeah, I know. It's so colorful. It's my own taste. I really hope it caters to your taste though. I want to widen my audience and give those who can speak English the opportunity to read and understand this story. Not only people who speak Malay language. If you like this, don't hesitate to leave comments below or support me through Patreon

Till then! Thank you!

Assalaamu'alaikum! ( Peace be upon you)

p/s: the comic will be completed in November insya-Allah (In God's will)